The world is scary right now, but we can choose to hope anyway.
Tag: god cares
Strong as a mother
How strong the gentle hands that shaped the world and lift me up.
Love under pressure
Love dares us to change our way of caring about each other–and ourselves–under pressure.
All things means all things
Philippians 4:13 isn’t just for football players and actors. It’s also for the impossible everyday.
He notices you
In all the crowd, noise, jostling, and distraction, Jesus noticed the woman who barely touched him. He notices you, too.
He who calls you is faithful (even when you aren’t)
Like most people, I wrestle with my Calling. The capital-C sort that God gives you before you’re born. I’ve been fortunate enough to hear what my Call is, but contrary to what I believed before I knew, knowing hasn’t actually made anything easier. In some ways, knowing makes it harder. Because when you know your …
Love is available even here
A friend of mine has a reminder tattooed on the outside of her wrist where it’s always visible. It says: “Is Love available even here?” I haven’t seen that tattoo in person for a long time, but I think of it often, especially now. In the wild, weird world of today, in the frustrations and …
Your father is right here with you
When I was 28, I had a massive hip surgery. I’d never had a wisdom tooth pulled and was utterly terrified. The day of the procedure, I was dull and numb and the world moved in unreal slow motion. Thankfully, Mom was there. There I was, a grown woman, clinging to my mother as …
Social distancing, not spiritual distancing
It seems bleak right now, doesn’t it? Schools closed.Events cancelled.States of emergency. The news addiction is real, too. I’ve been on Facebook more in the last 24 hours than the last 24 days, watching reports—both official and anecdotal—roll in with increasing anxiety. It’s not the virus I’m concerned about. Yes, coronavirus is nasty. But people can …
We’re all addicted to something
Last Sunday, I was that person sobbing in their car. I stopped at the light by my house and saw a young guy wearing a T-shirt and no coat in -4C air coming down the sidewalk. As he passed by, I noticed the white bracelet on his wrist and realized he’d just been discharged from …
Praise when you want to blame
Who do you blame when life goes sideways? If we’re feeling vindictive, we blame other people. If we’re feeling humble, we blame ourselves. And if we’re feeling exceptionally spiritual, we blame the enemy. #nottodaysatan am I right? But not so fast. Take a look at the Book of Job, where Satan is horrible to a blameless …
Worrying never solves anything (but God does)
Worry isn’t from God. It’s an ingenious snare that tricks us into doubting that He is who He says He is. Worry says your problems are too big (or small) for Him to handle.Worry says it’s too hard, too late, too expensive, too broken.Worry says if you’re not in control, nothing will change.Worry says God …