He who calls you is faithful even when you are not.
Christian Life

He who calls you is faithful (even when you aren’t)

Like most people, I wrestle with my Calling. The capital-C sort that God gives you before you’re born.

I’ve been fortunate enough to hear what my Call is, but contrary to what I believed before I knew, knowing hasn’t actually made anything easier.

In some ways, knowing makes it harder.

Because when you know your Calling, you’re responsible for it. You have an assignment. You who were designed for good works (Eph 2:10) have been activated for the field.

But life gets in the way.

YOU get in the way.

And then you feel like crap for not doing the thing. And you beat yourself up and doubt the Call and disbelieve that you really heard at all and give up, at least for a little while.

Or maybe that’s just me.

I’ve spent the last two weeks spiraling as I try to adjust to new roadblocks to my Calling. Some of them are out there—schedule changes, mostly—but most are in here—inflexibility, control, exhaustion—and they blend and blur until I collapse in a wet mess saying things to God I’d jump all over someone else for saying.

“I can’t do this.”
“What’s wrong with me?”
“Why did you bring me here and abandon me?”

But can I tell you something?

Your doubt, your reticence, your failure? It doesn’t make God falter a single step.

Your opinion of yourself and your work? Zero impact on your destiny.

Because He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it (Phil 1:6). The God who calls you is faithful to that Call because He designed it AND you. He will never leave you nor forsake you (Deut 31:6)—and that means all of you, including your Call.

Your Call is still your Call, even when you aren’t doing it. Because only you can do it. And the God who assigned it to you is faithful to see it through, even when you don’t see it yet. He’s patient. He’ll wait.

He is faithful even when you aren’t.

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