
For my big-little girl on her 4th birthday

You don’t fit on my lap anymore.⁣I can barely carry you.⁣Not that you’re ever still enough for either. You are a giant.⁣Taller than your older friends,⁣mountainous in your anger,⁣a cathedral of words and laughter.⁣ You walk on tiptoe everywhere,⁣Your dance more irritated bumblebee than prima ballerina.⁣ You have a favorite version of the Bible,⁣But you …

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Jeans with holes in the knees

Holy jeans

These are my actual jeans. Notice anything odd about them? (Hint: It’s the knees.) I acquired these pants at different times, and I’ve worn them in steady rotation over the last four years, but when I bought them, none of them had holes or weird dye jobs (a fashion plate, I’m not). I earned these …

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