Love dares us to change our way of caring about each other–and ourselves–under pressure.
Tag: five minute friday
Delight and seek
Taste and see that the Lord is good.
All things means all things
Philippians 4:13 isn’t just for football players and actors. It’s also for the impossible everyday.
The blessing of being green
The paradox of maturing in God: I become wiser by understanding how foolish I am.
The ultimate enabler
Jesus enables us, his nearest and dearest, by giving us the freedom to say a holy YES to abundant life in God.
Fresh out
It’s tough to feel anything but dried up these days. Poetry helps. So does reading the Word. (One more than the other.)
The tyranny of time made beautiful
Even as I kid, I desperately felt like I’m running out of time, never able to do or be enough. But God can use even that curse to make something beautiful.
For, not against
Vote! But do it with His heart.
He calls me good
Will I disappoint you? Almost guaranteed.
Will I disappoint God? Never.
He’s got the whole world in His hands
Hat tip to Raffi for the reminder that the hands that hold the universe hold mine.