Who Are You

What’s there

Too often, there is nothing.
Too often, whatever stuff it is that fuels me,
that keeps me going—
not just wife mom daughter friend helper,
but the me that is
in the silent dark of morning
in the still centre
when one and One are one
—is not there.

And when I reach for it with trembling fingers,
more sure than not it is gone forever,
permanently evaporated in ferocious striving,
burned away from wanting,
disintegrated by mundane need,
I find, instead of scorched walls and ash,

a rough palm
slick with blood
and a grip like time

“I’ve got you.”

In the nothing,
He persists.

And so will I.

This post is part of Five-Minute Friday. This week’s prompt is PERSIST. If you’d like to join in, click here!

5 thoughts on “What’s there”

  1. This is really, really lovely.

    Sometimes you run across a poem
    that is so suffused with grace
    that reading it’s like coming home
    to a bright and happy place
    where truth shines in a morning light,
    no longer hidden in a mist,
    and one can partake with delight
    of wisdom that might have been missed
    had the Lord not set the meeting
    ‘tween reader and what has been read,
    and to you I send this greeting
    for heart and soul now have been fed
    with word-manna from above
    that you fashioned with such care and love.

  2. Just beautiful. Yes, may you (we) persist – persist in our faith, persist as we raise children and grandchildren. Persist in what He calls us to do each day. Persist knowing it all matters, is for His glory and for His purposes.

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