Having faith doesn’t mean you have no doubts.
Having peace doesn’t mean you have no struggle.
Having Jesus means your doubts and struggles are firmly underfoot, pinned and conquered, squirming in the captivity of their submission.
“With me, faith means perpetual unbelief
Kept quiet like the snake ’neath Michael’s foot
Who stands calm just because he feels it writhe.
Or, if that’s too ambitious,—here’s my box-
I need the excitation of a pinch
Threatening the torpor of the inside-nose
Nigh on the imminent sneeze that never comes.
‘Leave it in peace’ advise the simple folk:
Make it aware of peace by itching-fits,
Say I—let doubt occasion still more faith!”
— from “Bishop Blougram’s Apology” by Robert Browning⠀⠀⠀