Did your parents sing-shout this at you when you were a kid? Turns out, it’s pretty good advice.
Tag: parenting
If Mary can be okay with it, so can I
This Sunday is anything but still around here. Not only are we celebrating Mothers Day pandemic-style, but it’s also my daughter’s 4th birthday. Dang moveable holidays. I confess part of me is annoyed. My flesh wants a day just for me! Momming during Covid-19 is harder than it’s ever been, and it’d be nice to …
For my big-little girl on her 4th birthday
You don’t fit on my lap anymore.I can barely carry you.Not that you’re ever still enough for either. You are a giant.Taller than your older friends,mountainous in your anger,a cathedral of words and laughter. You walk on tiptoe everywhere,Your dance more irritated bumblebee than prima ballerina. You have a favorite version of the Bible,But you …
Holy jeans
These are my actual jeans. Notice anything odd about them? (Hint: It’s the knees.) I acquired these pants at different times, and I’ve worn them in steady rotation over the last four years, but when I bought them, none of them had holes or weird dye jobs (a fashion plate, I’m not). I earned these …
Mary, did you know?
Do you think Mary knew? When she held her newborn son in her arms, both of them exhausted and raw, she knew he was the Son of God, but did she know he was the Savior? Did she know when she marvelled at his tiny hands and feet that one day she’d hold them when …
The curse of imagination: fear, obsession, and hope
How an Instagram post triggered me into obsessing about losing my child—and how I came out the other side.
The State of the Ellie: October 2019
Waiting on immigration (still), the Long Walk, werewolf toddler, body squish, and the lightning round.
State of the Ellie: August 2019
A (not so) brief summary of my July. Featuring a nagging case of FOMO, professional maturity, toddler attitude, and being bored with my health updates.
State of the Ellie: July 2019
The (not so) brief summary of my June. Featuring a revised timeline, freelancing joy, receiving help with grace, and nothing being wrong with my hearing apparently.
State of the Ellie: June 2019
A (not so) brief summary of my May. Featuring a 90-day no-spending challenge, being okay with talking about my marriage, and the shock of missing working out. Read all about it, then share your May with me!
A prayer for my somehow three year old baby on her birthday
Let her be quick to forgive and quick to say sorry. Let her not seek her own way but Yours. Let her give lavishly of herself and what she has without thinking of debt or payback. Let her have strong boundaries that serve her and others, to keep connection without sacrificing sanity or health. Let …