Let her be quick to forgive and quick to say sorry.
Let her not seek her own way but Yours.
Let her give lavishly of herself and what she has without thinking of debt or payback.
Let her have strong boundaries that serve her and others, to keep connection without sacrificing sanity or health.
Let her love with abandon, never fearing being hurt or giving thought to what’s in it for her.
Let her be confident–the kind based on her position as a child of the most high king, never proud or arrogant.
Let her be curious, exploring the world in all its wonder and mystery.
Let her be brave, never letting fear rule her even though she may feel it.
Let her see the truth and express it with overwhelming gentleness.
Let her be running over with big faith, the kind that moves mountains.
Let her question all things but never doubt Your great love for her.
Happy third birthday, Mackenzie.

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