Vote mural by Mac Blackout photo by Jennifer Griffin via Unsplash
Like Jesus

For, not against

I cannot vote my conscience.
I must vote His heart.

For ways higher than mine
For love outside my scope
For freedom beyond liberty

For imperfection seeking truth
For weakness seeking strength
For injury seeking justice

For gracious discipline
For fierce protection
For tender authority

For Him who is
For us


This post is part of Five-Minute Friday. This week’s prompt is VOTE. If you’d like to join in the fun, click here!

7 thoughts on “For, not against”

  1. This is a beautiful poem. “For tender authority” struck me in a wonderful way. I wrote of trusting God in a much more long winded way….I couldn’t finish in 5 minutes. You nailed it! I’m working on following His guidance in all things. Thank you for your words. A beautiful way to wake up. Jennifer, FMF Neighbor

  2. Awesome poem.

    You inspired some thought, and this…hope you like it.

    It’s the old election story,
    happens again, time after time.
    I have got to vote His glory,
    not that of flag or Prez…or mine.
    There may really be no ‘best’,
    and maybe conscience has to lose,
    but this perhaps is God’s own test
    to make me pray and think and choose
    the dude (dudette?) who’ll hold to Him
    through temptation of good times,
    and when things are really grim,
    hell’s bells more than distant chimes.
    God, bless my little cotton socks…
    here goes, it’s in the ballot box!

  3. So true! Every time I read verses like Isaiah 10:1-4, I am reminded again that God wants us to fight for justice and equality for everyone–especially the weakest among us.

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