It’s the little things that get me. And the big things. Those moments when you realize the God of the universe not only sees you but knows you.
Like, really knows you.
Because how could he not?
The one who poured out the oceans has strung together your atoms with greater care than any star, breathed his own breath through your lips, whispered a hero’s destiny in your ear, and sent you into the world, bursting with pride at all you‘ll do and be.
He also knows how you like your coffee, where your keys are, who you’re in love with, and why you cry at Disney movies.
He’s the God of wonder. Big and small.
And now, finally, after (too many) years of noticing but keeping the knee-buckling joy of that wonder to myself, I want to share it with you, right here, one post at a time.
So whether you’ve never heard of Jesus before or you’ve known him for decades, I’m thrilled to invite you along on this adventure.
There is always something more wonderful to discover in God.
Welcome to this new space! Stay in touch by following me on Instagram or Facebook. You can always leave a comment, too! I’m super responsive! Mwah! ❤️