A friend of mine has a reminder tattooed on the outside of her wrist where it’s always visible. It says: “Is Love available even here?”
I haven’t seen that tattoo in person for a long time, but I think of it often, especially now.
In the wild, weird world of today, in the frustrations and fears, the chaos and claustrophobia, it’s easy to lose track of Love.
The kind with a capital L.
The Divine Love that Birthed the Universe kind.
The Bears All Things, Believes All Things, Hopes All Things, Endures All Things kind.
It’s hard to sense that Love when you’re screaming at your toddler or seeing a negative bank balance or reading another story about how fragile humans are.
But it’s not because Love is absent.
Jesus promises he’s always with us (Matt 28:20).
God reminds us he’s near (Isa 41:10).
The Holy Spirit is on the earth now (John 14:26).
It’s a divine proof of Love.
IF Jesus is always with us
AND Jesus is fully God
AND God is Love
THEN Love is always with us.
And you thought you didn’t like math.
When it feels like Love is far away or invisible or missing in action, when you’re angry and scared and confused, pause and ask yourself, “Is Love available even here?”
The answer is always YES.
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” [Psa 46:1 NIV]