How do you respond when God calls you?
Do you hide and hope He passes by, like Adam in his post-fruit shame?
Or do you leap up with an eager heart and reach for Him, saying “Here I am, Lord!” like Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Samuel, and Isaiah did?
It’s tempting to pretend you’re invisible when God calls your name. We humans are little balls of insecurity, so it’s only natural that we feel unworthy and unqualified for His attention and affection. We’re afraid of failing.
But look at that list of names. Every one of those people was a flawed human being—just like you—but not all of them made the same choice.
The difference between Adam and the people we now call heroes of faith is that they responded to God’s call based on love rather than fear.
And you can, too.
Because of Jesus, there is no condemnation in the Father’s voice when He speaks to us. How much greater, how much more excited and confident can we be in our response, then, than those who lived before Christ came?
So whether God’s calling you out or calling you up today, don’t hide. Raise your hand boldly! Say, “Here I am!” and hear what greatness He has in store for you.
“Then I heard the Lord asking, ‘Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?’ I said, ‘Here I am. Send me.’” [Isa 8:6 NIV]⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀