The Bible has lots to say about beginnings and endings–not so much about middles.
Tag: story
Fairytale beginning
Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was pretty and clever and heartless….
The greatest storyteller ever
If you read my daughter a story, she’s going to sit on you. It’s just a fact. In preschool circle time, she’d crawl into the teacher’s lap in defiance of all propriety. At home, she insists on cramming into the recliner alongside me, wedging into my armpit as I read, and I frequently find her …
Holy jeans
These are my actual jeans. Notice anything odd about them? (Hint: It’s the knees.) I acquired these pants at different times, and I’ve worn them in steady rotation over the last four years, but when I bought them, none of them had holes or weird dye jobs (a fashion plate, I’m not). I earned these …
God cares about little things (like the Christmas present you should have bought weeks ago)
Yesterday, I was that woman crying in the toy aisle at Walmart. But not for the reason you might think. All my daughter asked for from Santa is an Elsa doll. But despite months of walking past aisles full of them, it didn’t occur to me to buy one until last week. Rookie move. Now, …